

You can contact Daniel Buckley in Tucson, Arizona at:

Daniel Buckley
photo by Renee Bracamonte Stewart,

520-792-3784 (phone)



Daniel Buckley Productions



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2 Responses to “Contact”

  1. 8/8/12
    dear dan,
    i attended the documentary film presented at the fox including part of the q&a session where several good suggestions were offered by the audience. i later remembered the Indiegogo website where non-profit organizations, start up businesses and other worthy causes appeal to the internet community for funding. in many cases funding goals are met or even exceeded. if a slick video were posted by you or the rebuilding organization something just may happen.
    i just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. good luck and i will see you the 10th at the KXCI Blues Revue.
    Best of luck,
    B. Turner
    Tucson, AZ

  2. Hi Dan,
    I screened your trailer featuring our former Principal, Mariachi Director, Social Studies Teacher & Pueblo Alum, Richard Carranza. Congratulations! This is such an important and inspiring story. Richards’ perspective and role as a passionate ambassador for blending academics and the arts has never been more important.
    I’ve taught Media Production at Pueblo Magnet High School for 19 years. My students produce “Warrior News,” a magazine format program 3 days/week. Would you consider being a guest on our program to discuss your current project(s)?
    Our first telecast of the new school year is 8/2 and we have programs Mondays, Tuesdays and Friday afternoons.
    I hope you’ll have time to work this into your production schedule and I’m looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, I’ld like to post a link to your trailer on our Warrior News Facebook page.

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